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Recording by: WRUF

Title: Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson speaks at the Florida Blue Key banquet

Dates: October 27, 1961


Identification:  Tape recording 152      

File name: WRUF 18


Originally recorded on reel to reel tape at 7.5 ips

Digitally recorded on February 2008


James (Jim) Quincey, president of Florida Blue Key, begins the proceedings. He recognizes four professors who are to be commended for their academic contributions and Quincey asks the Honorable Spessard Holland to present the certificates.  The four professors are: Robert E. Carson, Armin Henry Gropp, Ernest R. Bartley, and Ants Oras.  Quincey then introduces the Toastmaster, former governor Fuller Warren.  What follows is a very long introduction of distinguished banquet guests interspersed with comments both humorous and serious.  Coach Ray Graves says a few words and President J. Wayne Reitz gives a short welcome.  Finally Warren introduces Senator George A. Smathers who then introduces Vice President Johnson.


Johnson gives a fairly lengthy talk and he concentrates on the threat of communism and the Soviet Union.  He emphasizes the strengths of America both militarily and economically.  But Johnson suggests that the most effective tactic that the communists could use is to plant seeds of doubt so that Americans lose confidence in themselves.  Toward the conclusion of his speech he mentions the young men who are putting on uniforms to serve their country.  He concludes with a story and thanks to all.

Bob Gunn leads in the singing of the Alma Mater accompanied by Willis Bodine on organ. 




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