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Recording by: WRUF

Title: Florida Future: Manning Dauer interview

Dates:    ?

Duration: 0:14:10

Identification:   Tape recording 149      

File name: WRUF 12


Originally recorded on reel to reel at 7.5 ips

Digitally reformatted on February 2008


Herschel Connor  introduces the program Florida Future produced by Radio Center and the University of Florida in cooperation with the Altrusa Club of Gainesville.  Manning Dauer, the chair of the Department of Political Science and author of Florida’s Reapportionment Program, is the guest on this program and Jack Detweiler is the interviewer.  Throughout the interview Detweiler asks pertinent questions about problems  in local government and distinctions between city and county government.  Dauer answers the questions succinctly and knowledgeably.  For instance, he suggests that the distinction between city and county is no longer valid particularly because both want and need the same goods and services. 




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